includes() method

The includes() method in Apps Script is used to determine whether a string includes a specified substring or not. It returns true if the substring is found, and false otherwise.

Example 1: Checking if a String Includes a Substring
Suppose we have a string containing the name of a country, like so: “United States of America”. We want to check if the string includes the word “States”. We can use the includes() method like so:

var str = "United States of America";
var result = str.includes("States");

In this example, we define a string str containing the name of a country. We use the includes() method on str, passing “States” as the argument, to check if the string includes the word “States”. The method returns a value of true, indicating that the word “States” is present in the string.

Example 2: Checking if a String Includes a Substring with a Starting Index
Suppose we have a string containing a list of cities separated by commas, like so: “New York, London, Paris, Tokyo”. We want to check if the string includes the city “Paris” starting from the index 15. We can use the includes() method like so:

var str = "New York, London, Paris, Tokyo";
var result = str.includes("Paris", 15);

In this example, we define a string str containing a list of cities. We use the includes() method on str, passing “Paris” as the first argument and 15 as the second argument, to check if the string includes the city “Paris” starting from the index 15. The method returns a value of false, indicating that the city “Paris” is not present in the string starting from index 15.

By using the includes() method in Apps Script, we can easily check if a substring is present in a string or not, and use the result to perform various operations on the string.