File-open dialogs

A file-open dialog is a type of dialog box that allows users to browse and select a file from their Google Drive or their computer’s local storage. In Apps Script, file-open dialogs can be used to prompt users to select a file that will be used in a script.

To create a file-open dialog in Apps Script, you can use the getUi() method to retrieve the user interface object and the createFileOpenDialog() method to create a new file-open dialog instance. Here’s an example code snippet that demonstrates how to create a file-open dialog in Apps Script:

function openFileDialog() {
  var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
  var file = ui.createFileOpenDialog()
    .setTitle('Select a file')

  if (file) {
    Logger.log('Selected file: ' + file.getName());

In this example, we’re using the createFileOpenDialog() method to create a new file-open dialog instance. We’re then using various methods such as setTitle() and setMimeType() to customize the dialog’s appearance and functionality. Finally, we’re calling the showAndGet() method to display the dialog and retrieve the selected file.

Once the user has selected a file, the showAndGet() method will return a file object that can be used in your script. In this example, we’re simply logging the name of the selected file to the console using the Logger.log() method, but you could perform any action that you need with the selected file object.